Celery is on its way

After strong germination and a nice, comfy stay on the heated tables inside the propagation house, the celery and celeriac have moved outside to the hardening off zone.  They get a few days to acclimate to the elements before they are planted out into the field.

It has been awhile since we have grown celery for our CSA.  It will be an increased irrigation challenge as it requires consistent soil moisture throughout its life.  When weighing the pros and cons of re-introducing celery to the planting plan, we decided that its snackability and versatility in the kitchen are worth the extra work.

To set ourselves up for success, we put the beds of celery and celeriac right next to our one-acre of parsnips (up for sowing THIS WEEK!), another high-irrigation-needs crop, so that we can consistently run the water to these crops without a lot of time spent moving the pipes.

More on irrigation in the coming weeks! As you’ve probably gathered by now, irrigation is a huge variable in our farming practice and we are constantly trying to improve existing systems.


We’re capturing interesting moments this season and sharing them here to help you learn where your food comes from. Follow Story of a Season on our blog or on Instagram with #storyofaseason.

This story was originally published as part of our CSA newsletter, the Eater’s Digest. Interested in joining our CSA? Learn more about becoming a member.