2013 Newsletter #7 – Just EAT It!

Just Eat It!

I was talking with a good friend, and CSA member, earlier this week and she was ‘complaining’ about having too many vegetables and not sure what to do with fennel. I told her to JUST EAT IT! (Cue Weird Al Yankovic). We laughed… But seriously I understand being a CSA shareholder is a commitment and the abundance of fresh vegetables can get a little overwhelming about now. I still remember that little panic that would creep up the day before I was to pick up my box — I still had the greens from last week in my crisper… and wait… that head of lettuce was it 2 or 3 weeks old? (But amazingly still fresh and tasty!) It took me a couple of seasons to get used to the bounty our CSA delivers and I have definitely changed my eating habits. For the better I might add. I thought it might be helpful to share some of my tips for eating my share.

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