From Winter to Summer Overnight
Happy Monday, Oxbow fans! I’m sure I’m not the only one who is sitting here in awe of the spontaneously summer-esque weather that has come our way over this past week. What a crazy place we live in where snowy mornings can turn to sunny afternoons so quickly! The Pacific Northwest never ceases to amaze me.
In any case, spring has most certainly sprung here at Oxbow, so much so that it feels more and more like summer everyday. As I was planting fava beans and sugar snap peas in the kids farm last week, I found myself wishing for shorts and a t-shirt. Go figure!
So, what does April and the start of spring mean for Oxbow Farm? Well, the farmers have been hard at work sowing seedlings in the propagation house for almost a month now, believe it or not. All of our favorite brassicas like broccoli and kale are well on their way to being ready for market season, along with all the other yummy greens and lettuces. The tomato sprouts are looking mighty bodacious as well, but we’ll have to wait a bit longer for those tasty morsels.
Over on my stomping grounds, the Kids Farm, we’ve been busy sowing seed as well–sweet peas to ensure plenty of beautiful blooms all through summer, sugar snap peas for hungry school kiddos and summer campers, as well as tomatoes, eggplant, and even a few peppers! In the field, we’ve managed to get in our carrots and fava beans as well, right next to the lovely garlic that’s been growing slowly but surely all throughout the winter.
I hope all of you are excited as I am about what’s to come this season here at Oxbow! Before we know it, I’ll be writing about overflowing market displays and colorful CSA boxes… Here’s to another beautiful year on the farm!
Until next time,
Farmer Dana