Rethinking Community Supported Agriculture
A new way to connect to your food
Good things take time to create, and we’ve put a lot of heart into building a new Member Program that connects you to the food that you eat, the land where it’s grown, and the important work that Oxbow does. If you’d like to cut to the chase, you can see all the details about the new Member Program here; but if you’re curious about why we’re changing up our CSA, read on!

It goes beyond vegetables
Building a healthy food system involves growing good food and using sustainable farming practices, but it’s so much more than a farm, the food it produces, and the people who purchase it. Healthy food systems also need to:
- Create an understanding and appreciation of the value of real food, and its true cost (spoiler alert: it’s not what you’re paying at most grocery stores!)
- Support eaters of all demographics and economic status
- Research, practice, and share economically viable ways for organic farmers to make a living
- Be a replicable model that can reach more people across the region – and beyond
Oxbow is uniquely positioned to be a catalyst for change in food systems and food policy. We do a lot of things at Oxbow, and we’ve certainly grown far beyond our humble roots as a small, hand-cultivated organic farm of nearly 20 years ago.

Oxbow’s New Member Program
There are countless ways to get food today, from meal plan boxes to home delivery from local grocery stores. Options that provide convenience all have their place in our busy lives. But we invite you to slow down, connect to the land that sustains you, and find your place with Oxbow.
Oxbow’s Member Program is a new take on Community Supported Agriculture. As a Member, you’ll get access to fresh, certified organic produce – with more flexibility to choose what you’d like or skip a week. We take you beyond the veggie box and directly connect you to the land where your food is grown, to your farmers, and to a greater community of people coming together to support local agriculture.
You can read the full list of benefits here, but below are a few highlights of being an Oxbow Member:
- Receive a Member card loaded with $100 in OxDough dollars (Cultivator level & up) to make your favorite produce purchases at Oxbow. We’re open to Members every Friday and Saturday through September, starting July 6th.
- Choice and flexibility over which vegetables you take home from our Farm Stand. Want to skip a beet (or two)? Need extra kale to make kale chips? No problem. Plus, all Members get a 10% discount on produce!
- Members-only U-Pick with free flowers and herbs, and special member pricing on all other produce.
- Oxbow is YOUR farm. Bring your friends and family on one of our 26 Member Days (July through September) to enjoy a picnic of just-picked fruits and vegetables, explore, and play!
- And much more, all in support Oxbow’s work as an environmental nonprofit.
Member days and U-Pick start July 6th Member Hours | Member Program FAQs | Members Only U-Pick
We’re grateful for all of your support as we continue to work toward our mission, and we extend an extra special thank you to our long-time CSA Members. We’re excited about sharing the path ahead with you, and hope to see you at Oxbow this year!